SCORE Latest News

New Class for SCORE Trophy Trucks Announced!

This new Trophy Truck LegendsTM class will showcase the legends in our sport who would like to race SCORE events. Any drivers 50 years of age or older are eligible to compete in this exciting new class. This is a great opportunity for experienced veteran racers to compete with their peers in Baja! Following SCORE’s successful program of age specific classes in motos, SCORE is again moving forward to meet requests for a similar program for Trophy Trucks. Only the driver, or co-drivers who will be sharing actual driving time are required to meet the age requirement for this class. Drivers must be 50 years of age on or before day of event. Any person doing only navigation for the driver does not need to meet this age requirement. Trophy Truck Legend vehicle specifications are identical to our ever-popular Trophy Trucks currently competing in the 2017 World Desert Championship Series. Along with introduction of this new Trophy Truck Legends class, rules for both Trophy Truck classes have been modified with no restrictions on diesel engine displacement, air intake size or turbo size. Twin turbos can be used. Intercoolers utilizing air/air and air/water designs are approved for both classes. Water injection is allowed. All diesel-powered vehicles are required to be clean-burning. To view complete rules for new Trophy Truck Legends class, go to If you are currently entered in the TT class for San Felipe and would like to transfer your entry to this exciting new class, simply contact us at (775) 852-8907 or email to If you have not entered for San Felipe you can still register on-line by calling (775) 852-8907.  
